Our nation has lost a great patriot and public servant. For sixty years, John McCain faithfully served his country. As a naval aviator, war hero, U.S. House member, U.S. Senator, presidential candidate, and tireless champion for his constituents, Senator McCain always put our country first.

John McCain often said there was no higher pursuit than to serve a cause greater than oneself. He believed service was a responsibility of citizenship, and that service could take many forms, whether defending our freedom abroad or finding solutions to problems here at home. He had a special place in his heart for national service, and worked for decades to expand opportunities for Americans to serve. After 9/11, he sponsored legislation to significantly expand AmeriCorps and Senior Corps and strengthen the connection between military and national service. He helped pass the Serve America Act; introduced legislation to engage more veterans and youth in conservation service, and consistently fought for the resources necessary to support Americans who answer the call to serve.

The national service community will deeply miss Senator John McCain. Our heartfelt sympathies are with his family and his loved ones. We will always be inspired by his patriotism, courage, humanity, and exemplary life of military, national, and public service.

When asked how he wanted to be remembered, John McCain simply said, “He served his country.”  Let us remember him by those words and honor him with our own deeds of service to others and our great country.