The first class of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) members to serve at the Vicksburg, Miss., campus will be inducted on September 1, 2009. These 160 Corps Members arrived at the campus for training early in August. Once they take the AmeriCorps pledge during induction ceremonies, they will begin a term of service starting with two months of projects throughout the Magnolia State. In addition to the induction ceremony, several other activities are planned to celebrate the opening of the fifth NCCC campus.

Nicola Goren, acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will make remarks about the impact NCCC has had since Hurricane Katrina and will encourage these Corps Members to continue the rebuilding efforts on the Gulf Coast. She will administer the AmeriCorps pledge.

NCCC members serve for a 10-month term at four other regional campuses around the country, in Sacramento, Calif.; Denver, Colo.; Vinton, Iowa; and Perry Point, Md. Members are assigned to teams of up to 12 members that undertake projects of about eight weeks focusing in areas such as disaster relief, trail development in state and national parks, fighting wild fires, assisting teachers in inner-city schools, and building homes for low-income families. NCCC is open to people between the ages of 18 and 24.

Scheduled events include:

August 31: 8:00 AM

Ribbon Cutting, Vicksburg Campus, 2715 Confederate Ave., Vicksburg

NCCC staff members, the Chamber of Commerce and local officials participate in a formal opening ceremony for the campus.

September 1: Noon

Press Conference, Vicksburg Convention Center, 1600 Mulberry St., Vicksburg

Nicola Goren, NCCC Region Director Gary Turner, and David Mallery of the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service will answer questions about the new campus and provide information on projects in Mississippi.

September 1: 1:00 PM

Induction Ceremony, Vicksburg Convention Center

The 160 new NCCC members officially begin their term of service by taking the AmeriCorps Pledge. A reception at the convention center will follow the ceremony.