The Napa County Office of Education’s (NCOE) CalSERVES AmeriCorps Volunteer Infrastructure Programs (VIP and VIP-SE) support AmeriCorps members who work with 140 community organizations across California. AmeriCorps members work as teams to provide infrastructure support for volunteer programs at service organizations.
- Was there a difference in how much organizational capacity grew between sites that had a year of participation in VIP versus sites that had more than one year?
- Results from descriptive analysis show a statistically significant change (or growth) from baseline VCA scores to the follow-up VCA scores in 2018.
- The average mean for each of the three VCA scales improved over time, which shows a higher average achievement score among all program sites after at least a year of VIP participation.
- Pre- and post-VCA results show that program sites that participated in VIP for one year or more showed substantial improvement in volunteer plan development, implementation, and sustainability.
For more information, download the full report.
Full report
Further information
Napa County Office of Education