Floor Statement of the Honorable Vern Ehlers (R-MI)
Committee on Education and Labor

H. Res. 1338

Recognizing AmeriCorps Week

May 12, 2010

Mr. (Madame) Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. (Madame) Speaker, I rise today in support of House Resolution 1338, a resolution recognizing AmeriCorps Week. This year marks the 4th annual AmeriCorps Week, which is May 8th to May 15th.  As a co-chair of the National Service Caucus, I am honored to recognize the individuals who participate in the AmeriCorps program and dedicate their time and effort to helping others in local communities. 

Last year, President Obama signed the latest reauthorization of the Corporation for National and Community Service – The Serve America Act.  This Act aims to ensure additional accountability in national service programs, helps smaller organizations participate in national service, and works to ensure America’s veterans can participate in service.

Americans have a long history of service to each other and to their country, and AmeriCorps creates a web of opportunities for Americans to serve.  AmeriCorps provides 85,000 opportunities annually to serve communities from across the nation and gives Americans the opportunity to offer their services in tutoring and mentoring disadvantaged youth, fighting illiteracy, building affordable housing, and assisting communities in times of natural disaster.  A couple examples of this ongoing service include AmeriCorps members assisting the American Red Cross in managing shelters for residents who have evacuated their homes due to the flooding brought on by the heavy rain in Nashville, TN and partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans to assemble and ship emergency food boxes bound for the Louisiana coast fishing communities whose livelihood is being impacted by the recent oil spill.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues Ms. Matsui, Mr. Platts, and Mr. Price and others, for introducing this resolution with me.  I reserve the balance of my time.